Getting a job in Australia is an excellent opportunity to integrate, meet new people, and build new skills that will be extremely useful when applying for positions in your home country or anywhere in the world. Job hunting in Australia can be difficult, with numerous steps and barriers to overcome before you even receive an interview.
That’s why our psychologist and career coach Juliana has 5 tips for you to start your job search in Australia off on the right foot:
1.You are going to need a strong resume
Standards for resumes change all the time and just because it worked three or ten years ago doesn’t mean your resume will work now. Since a vast majority of positions that do make it out to job boards will be using online applications, the look of your resume matters far less than the content. It certainly should still be attractive and easy to read, but the colour and artistic flair are just going to confuse the computer screens and decrease your credibility.
2. Focus on your accomplishments
Another resume tip: If you are applying for a position as a nurse or as a sales manager, we all have a basic understanding of your job description. Sending in a resume with a generic list of nursing or sales responsibilities isn’t going to make you stand out. Why are you the perfect nurse? What makes you different from the other 200 sales managers applying for the position? The answer is simple: accomplishments.
3. Get ready for the interview
So you’ve got your resume updated and it’s working. You started getting interview calls! The first interview you go on if you’ve been out of the job hunt for a while may feel very different. First of all, you may be expecting to go in and meet with one person, only to be greeted by an entire department. Team interviews are more common because it’s not just about the job. It’s also not about how you do with one person, but how you fit with the team. Strong interview preparation is key to your success.
4. Keep an open mind
The hard truth is that this is a terrible job market for job seekers. The salaries are lower in general and more positions are being reduced to freelance or part-time. The work you have always loved may not have the same title and may be shared by a team now. Instead of viewing this as a negative, though, consider the opportunities. Maybe you like sales but always wanted to do some consulting. With the market as it is, you may be working harder, but you will also be able to open yourself up to new things.
5. It’s not personal
The final thing it’s helpful to know, and probably the most important, is that it’s not personal. It’s very hard not to get discouraged. You may go on hundreds of interviews, send out thousands of resumes, and still be waiting for that call. Friends and family will offer advice and say things like, “The right job will come along,” but it is hard to believe it sometimes. You’re not alone – and the truth is that it only takes one. For every rejection, remember it’s just not the right fit. It’s not you.
Now you are ready to start your job search in Australia off on the right foot!
If you want to know more about our career services please visit our D’Career page.